Indigestion? Bloatedness?

Indigestion? Bloatedness? Find Out How Sprouted Grains Boost Digestion and Overall Wellness

Do you know that one in 10 adults in Singapore suffers from persistent digestive issues? This is because our digestive system goes through changes as we age. Indigestion and constipation are some of the more common digestive issues, and one major factor contributing to digestive issues is the lack of fibre in our diets.

Why is fibre important?

Why is fibre important?

  1. Fibre helps promote healthier bowel function and prevents constipation.
  2. It promotes the growth of healthy gut bacteria, which helps maintain a balanced digestive system.
  3. Fibre lowers cholesterol and helps control blood sugar levels.
  4. For the weight-conscious, fibre aids in better weight management as it gives a sense of “fullness”.

One way to increase fibre intake is by incorporating more wholegrains in your daily meals. Wholegrains retain their bran and germ layers, which are rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These nutrients work together to provide numerous health benefits.

Sprouted Grains: The New Superfood

Sprouted Grains: The New Superfood

Sprouted grains are whole grains that have just begun to germinate. Remember growing “taugeh” (bean sprouts) from mung beans during science lessons when you were in primary school? That’s how sprouted grains look like.

Sprouted grain bread is made from flour of whole grains that have begun to sprout. Sprouting alters the nutritional profile of grains, making sprouted grains more nutrient-dense and easier to digest. This is particularly beneficial for older Singaporeans, especially those with digestive issues. The sprouting process breaks down complex carbohydrates, making them  easier to absorb.

Benefits of sprouted grain bread include:

  1. Gentler on the digestive system, reducing discomfort and preventing constipation.
  2. Contains higher levels of nutrients such as folate, protein, and antioxidants, compared to their unsprouted counterparts. These nutrients make sprouted grain bread an excellent choice of carbohydrates for individuals of all ages, ensuring optimal nourishment for a healthier lifestyle.
  3. The sprouting process unlocks further nutritional benefits, such as fibre, and it also reduces phytic acid (which can harm digestion) and adds antioxidants.
  4. Sprouting starts the process of breaking wholegrains down to make them more digestible, and for nutrients to be easily absorbed into the bloodstream.
  5. The sprouting process partially breaks down starch in the grains, which lowers simple carbohydrate content. This is beneficial to weight-conscious consumers.
  6. Sprouted grains absorb water during the sprouting process, making them lower in calories than wholegrains.

Eat More Wholegrains Daily for Healthy Aging

Eat More Wholegrains Daily for Healthy Aging

Developed countries all over the world are facing the problem of ageing populations. Singapore is no exception. By 2030, around 1 in 4 citizens (23.8% of the total population)will be aged 65 and above.

Faced with a rapidly aging population, the Singapore’s health authorities has been making proactive efforts to educate citizens to eat well to live a healthier life. This includes incorporating more wholegrains into senior’ diets, as evidence suggests that eating plenty of wholegrains, fruit and vegetables have a protective effect against heart diseases and cancers. Vitamins, minerals and many natural phytochemicals in wholegrains function as antioxidants to neutralise free radicals and protecting body cells from damage.

Being mindful about your daily food choices goes a long way. Gardenia Sprouted Soft Grain 100% Wholemeal Loaf offers a delicious and nutritious solution for people looking for a healthier wholemeal bread which can boost their digestive health. By making this new loaf a part of your daily staple and having a well-balanced diet, you can improve gut health, increase nutrient intake, and enjoy the the benefits of sprouted wholegrains. The Gardenia Sprouted Soft Grain 100% Wholemeal Loaf is available in major supermarkets islandwide. Try it today!

(Note: Before making any significant dietary changes due to specific health concerns, it is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional.)